We provide various solutions that support digital transformation

Heartcore Robo


Robotic process automation improves efficiency by automating routine repetitive work. By incorporating robotic automation, you can amplify your workforce.

By automating repetitive and often mundane business processes you free up costly resource, ultimately saving money. Our solution is the most universal on the market with support for all environments and platforms including Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android & iOS mobile devices.

what's RPA

What is RPA?

Robotic Automation Process ( RPA ) is a technology that allows automation for a defined set of tasks. RPA robots can emulate most human-computer interactions to carry out error-free tasks at high volume and speed.

Some common tasks Heartcore Robo can do:

  • Invoice processing
  • Process sales order
  • Account Reconciliation
  • ERP data entry
  • Employee onboarding
  • Payroll
  • Data queries
benefit RPA

Benefits of Heartcore Robo

Some common tasks RPA can do are:

  • Automation of repetitive work with high accuracy
  • Business units can deploy RPA
  • RPA is highly configurable, allowing for the change in your business needs
  • RPA is cost effective compared to other approaches
  • No need to change the other systems

Support multiple OS / Browsers / devices

Heartcore Robo works with Windows, OSX, AS/400, all browsers and mobile devices. Robots created on one OS can work on another without recreating the robot.

Support multiple OS

Easy start and Scale when you need it

Heartcore enables you to start with limited scope and then scale when you need.

Recording function and flowchart for easy robot construction

Heartcore Robo provides an intuitive interface for robot construction. You can create a robot by recording your steps or mapping a flowchart.


Customized training and support

We provide customized training for your team and will support you every step of your RPA journey.

Windows | Mac | Linux – Seamless Transfer of Automation IP

Same Robots… Same Scripts… Across All Environments. This means that automation can easily occur on Windows, Mac and Linux using the same automation development. Heartcore Robo is the only RPA tool on the market which supports Mac and Linux and Windows in the same application.

In an IT world where now almost every organisation has at least some business operation delivered using Mac or Linux, it is unbelievable to think that RPA solutions are purchased that only support Microsoft Windows or Microsoft Browsers!


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