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We provide various solutions that support digital transformation

Area / Company Targeting

4.3 billion IP addresses all over the world

At HeartCore, we provide an option function which provides over 4.3 billion IP adresss information from all over the world. Even with anonymous visitors, based on their IP address, we can target specific areas and the corresponding weather of the area. Also, in order to identify the company data, narrowed target segment setting becomes possible, and a dynamic marketing approach can be easily implemented.

Dynamic content distribution base on the company data

Various companies’ data is obtainable, such as the company name, number of employees and sales amount. In B2B business, to ascertain a market that is targeted for the sale of each product, information such as the type of industry and corporate scale are indispensable. Moreover, during examining product introduction, the first stage of information collection is from websites. In order to avoid losing potential company users’ access to site, suitable information has to be provided to these users.

Dynamic content distribution based on the company data

Area-specific content, Utilization of weather data

Location information such as country, area, county, city can be obtained from IP address. For a company that own stores all over the country, identification of location information of anonymous visitors will be very useful. This will omit the trouble of store search, since menus according to a specific area will be automatically provided, and will display products with high attractiveness in the area. This information enables localization and will increase the usability, which leads to a result of pulling in customers.

Area-specific content, Utilization of weather data

Available data

Category Data
Area Continents
Area code
Organization Comapany name
Head office/branch office
Post code
Listed division
Securities code
Establised date
Sales amount
Website address
Domain name
Domain type
Weather Today's weather
Tomorrow’s weather
The day after tomorrow’s weather
Forecast highest temperature
Today’s highest temperature
Tomorrow’s highest temperature
Tomorrow’s lowest temperature
Today’s chance of rain
Tomorrow’s chance of rain
Today's wind direction
Tomorrow's wind direction

View data sample

Regarding the area targeting by IP addresses, Heartcore, Inc. has a license contract of area targeting patent (patent number: 3254422) owned by AD AREA Co., Ltd.


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